10Duke Enterprise C++ Client
#include <OIDCClient.h>
OpenID Connect -client.
This is base interface for low-level OIDC client. The interface does not contain authenticate
method, as the flow depends on the OAuth flow. For default browser-based flow, see tenduke::oidc::BrowserOIDCClient
Public Member Functions | |
virtual std::unique_ptr< const tenduke::oidc::OIDCRefreshRequest > | refresh (const std::shared_ptr< tenduke::oidc::OIDCState > &state) const =0 |
Refreshes the OIDC state. | |
virtual std::string | requestUserinfo (const std::string &accessToken) const =0 |
Requests user information from "userinfo"-endpoint. | |
pure virtual |
pure virtual |
Requests user information from "userinfo"-endpoint.
(See https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#UserInfo)
Note: Return type may return in the future.
accessToken | - |
tenduke::http::HTTPResponseException | if HTTP-status codes indicate an error (e.g. 401, 404) |
tenduke::http::HTTPException | if some HTTP-level error |
tenduke::net:NetworkingException | if e.g. host not found, network connection issues etc. |
Implemented in tenduke::oidc::BaseOIDCClient.