10Duke Enterprise C++ Client
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tenduke::http Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

HTTP-related services.

This namespace contains services related to HTTP. This particular namespace itself contains service interface for a generic HTTP-client, which is used in across the 10Duke C++ client. This allows the actual HTTP-implementation to be changed, if necessary.


namespace  curl
 Implementation of HTTP-client using libcurl
namespace  server
 Simple HTTP-server.


class  BadRequest
 Thrown for HTTP status code 400 "BadRequest". More...
class  ClientError
 4xx-series, base class for many 4xx-exceptions. More...
class  Forbidden
 Thrown for HTTP status code 403, "Forbidden". More...
class  HTTPCall
 HTTP-call which executes the request and returns HTTPResponse. More...
class  HTTPClient
 A simple HTTP-client. More...
class  HTTPException
 A generic HTTP-exception. More...
class  HTTPRequest
 HTTP-request, which contains all necessary details to construct the request. More...
class  HTTPRequestAuthenticator
 This is a service, that can be added to tenduke::http::HTTPRequest to add authentication information to the request. More...
class  HTTPRequestBuilder
 Builds HTTPRequest. More...
class  HTTPRequestException
 This exception is thrown when a HTTP-request fails for HTTP-specific reasons in the client end. More...
class  HTTPResponse
 A HTTP Response. More...
class  HTTPResponseException
 This exception is thrown when HTTP-request fails because of HTTP-statuscode. More...
class  HTTPResponseToException
 Utility service to throw an exception based on tenduke::http::HTTPResponse. More...
class  NotFound
 Thrown for HTTP status code 404, "Not Found". More...
class  ServerError
 5xx-error, base class for 5xx-exceptions. More...
class  Unauthorized
 Thrown for HTTP status code 401, "Unauthorized". More...


 Default connection time out in milliseconds.
const long DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS = 0L
 Default total time out in milliseconds.